Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Hypnotherapy Anxiety with Panic Attacks

How can you Help Someone with Panic Attacks

Panic Attacks

For those who’ve never had a panic attack, it’s impossible for them to understand the experience. And that means they may have no clue what you should do to help someone through it. That also means they may try to help in the totally wrong ways. If you see a loved one or a friend with a panic attack, there are things you should do and things you shouldn’t do.
And first, you need to make sure that the person is suffering from a panic attack and not an anxiety attack. These terms are used interchangeably, and they are not the same. They differ in terms of key characteristics and have several symptoms in common. Panic attacks are generally more intense compared to anxiety attacks. They also happen out of the blue, while anxiety attacks are usually associated with a trigger. When it comes to symptoms, anxiety attacks are linked to several mental health problems, including obsessive-compulsive disorder and trauma, while panic attacks mostly affect those with panic disorder.
Emotional and physical symptoms can occur during a panic attack, often at the same time. Physical symptoms include rapid breathing, racing heartbeat, nausea, and rapid breathing. Feelings of fear and intense, repetitive worrying are some of the emotional symptoms.
The onset of a panic attack will happen suddenly, without much or any warning. A panic attack may also recur in the same or similar environments. Also, it can be provoked by varying environments. And regardless of their cause, they are always and frightening and overwhelming. In this article, you`ll learn about what triggers panic attacks, and how to help someone through them.

What Are the Triggers and Causes of Panic Attacks?

Low Blood Sugar
Some studies have shown that low blood sugar, also known as hypoglycemia, can lead to some neurological and cognitive symptoms, such as uncontrolled behavior seizures, loss of consciousness, and confusion. When your body isn’t supplied with adequate glucose, it can result in functional brain failure. This is the reason why experts have linked it to repeated cases of severe hypoglycemia and long-term cognitive dysfunction. Though there aren’t adequate studies specifically linking low blood sugar to the onset of panic attacks, the high level of uncontrolled behavior and anxiety that is associated with low blood sugar can result in panic episodes in some people.
Panic Disorder-Hypnotherapy Anxiety
People with panic disorders experience recurrent panic attacks. In fact, they can happen as often as several times a day for some, and just a few times per year for others. Experts suggest that a panic disorder is a result of a stressful life event or anxiety and mental disorders. However, not everyone with a panic attack has panic disorder.
Agoraphobia-Hypnotherapy Anxiety
Agoraphobia refers to the fear of a certain situation. It is a type of anxiety disorder that results in feelings of fear that are associated with certain places or situations. Unlike a panic disorder, which involves recurrent panic attacks that occur out of the blue, Agoraphobia results in panic attacks that are specifically triggered by social events. A person with Agoraphobia might have panic attacks about being in crowds, traveling away from home, traveling alone, or being in public places.
Medication Withdrawal
The symptoms associated with drug withdrawal vary depending on the drug abused. It is common for people in a withdrawal phase to experience high levels of tremors, panic attacks, tremors, and restlessness.
Substance Abuse
Substance abuse can trigger the onset of panic disorder symptoms, or make already existing symptoms worse. Excessive intake of central nervous system depressants, such as alcohol can impair your mental functioning and result in increased anxiety and panic attacks. Stimulant drugs have also been linked to increased anxiety because they trigger the neurotransmitters in the brain.

What are the Short and Long Term Impacts of Panic Attacks?

Social Anxiety Disorder-Hypnotherapy Anxiety
This disorder involves a paralyzing a person`s fear of social situations and being judged or humiliated by the presence of others. It is a severe social phobia that can leave a person feeling lonely and ashamed. The person is worried about being evaluated or scrutinized by other people and has a heightened fear of interactions.                                                          Hypnotherapy Anxiety
A decrease in Quality of Interpersonal Relationships-Hypnotherapy Anxiety
Having a panic disorder can negatively impact numerous aspects of a person`s life, including their relationships. Some people with panic disorders have an intense desire for closeness to their friends, partner, or loved ones, depending on them constantly for reassurance and support. On the other side of the spectrum, some become avoidant of relationships as a way of dealing with their panic disorder.
Poor Work Performance-Hypnotherapy Anxiety                  Hypnotherapy Anxiety
Panic attack disorders are associated with decreased job productivity as well as short- and long-term work disability. The negative effects associated with panic disorders on work outcomes are compounded when the symptoms are severe or when a person with anxiety has depression. Furthermore, some of the symptoms that accompany panic attacks, such as repetitive worrying and sleep disturbances, are also known to impair work abilities. People with panic disorders may turn down other opportunities or promotions because it involves public speaking or travel.
High Risk of Suicidal Tendencies-Hypnotherapy Anxiety
Although panic attacks don’t always cause suicidal thoughts, they can make a person feel like they’re trapped or going to die. The feeling that they`re going to die during a panic attack is what leads to suicidal thoughts, either between or during attacks. When the person is trapped and has no options, they begin panicking, as a result, develop impaired judgment and distorted cognitions, which might lead to the suicidal act.
Phobias-Hypnotherapy Anxiety
The fear of specific scenarios, objects, and activities to an exaggerated degree are phobias. When a person has panic attacks, their fright tends to be out of proportion even if things thy fear hardly pose any danger. Common examples are fear of flying, snakes, insects, and heights. People with phobias try to desperately avoid things that frighten them, as the confrontation of these things often makes their condition even worse.
Increase Risk of Disability-Hypnotherapy Anxiety  Hypnotherapy Anxiety
Panic attack disorders appear to be independently associated with a couple of physical conditions, including respiratory diseases, migraine headaches, arthritis, and thyroid disease. When a person is having panic attacks, they have limited functional abilities in all areas. The ability of their body to function at work during a panic attack is minimal, if at all. Also, when a panic attack is not occurring, the challenge with panic attacks is that they make people have a constant fear of the occurrence of another attack. This continuous fear can affect a person’s ability to concentrate and complete tasks. These mental impairments can affect a person`s ability to function.

How can hypnotherapy help?

Hypnotherapy for panic attacks can help rebuild a person’s deep-core self-belief and boost confidence, as well as help them to minimize and eradicate the feelings of worry and fear. It can help them learn and build on their ability to access a calmer state of mind, which is required to help cope with the overwhelming emotions they feel.                                               Hypnotherapy Anxiety
Hypnotherapy aims to access a person`s subconscious mind and utilize the power of suggestion to promote positive change. The suggestions used by hypnotherapists will be tailored to an individual`s situation, what is causing their panic attacks and why, and working to change the way their body responds to triggers. The aim of these suggestions is that when a person feels the onset of a panic attack their subconscious will automatically return to these powerful supportive suggestions to help them cope.
Hypnotherapy can help them regain a sense of normality and control in their life. It can help them understand what may have caused their panic attack, help them recognize signs of the onset of an attack and offer them tools to manage and overcome the emotions.
Relaxation is also a wonderful part of what happens in hypnotherapy. Panic attacks often result, or worsen feelings of panic, as a person is afraid of the next attack, not knowing when it might happen. Hypnotherapy for panic attacks will teach you fast and effective valuable relaxation practices, to help minimize your overall worry and stress – minimizing your risk of another attack.

Let's work together

Our hypnotherapy is very powerful and very quick. Most patients need one or maybe two sessions. We combine hypnotherapy with other powerful techniques such as NLP and Time Line Therapy ™ to massively stack the odds in your favor. I became a hypnotherapist because I always wanted to help people change. I was a volunteer trainer for the Samaritans 13 years ago. Since then, I have helped hundreds of people get over their barriers and overcome their panic disorders. Based in central London, my hypnotherapy has been effective in panic attack control not only in London but across the UK.    Hypnotherapy Anxiety
Can you imagine feeling better, more clear-headed, and calmer? Changing or letting go of that intensive emotion or stressful thought that a panic attack might happen is the way to go. A change shouldn’t be hard and should happen in a short while. The difficult part is making the decision to change something. My hypnotherapy approach is professional and caring and I get excellent results with only one or two sessions. With my experience, training, and expertise, you can rest assured that Kensington Coaching and Hypnotherapy will be able to help you be more confident, happier, and fruitful in your day to day life.

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